School Governor

What is a School Governor?

School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors – together they’re called the ‘Governing Body‘. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline.

Governors also help to make big decisions about the school’s long-term goals. They support Headteachers, but also ask questions and make sure the Headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.


Who can be a school governor?

Anyone over 18 can be a school governor – you don’t have to be a parent with a child at the school. However, every Governing Body includes Parent Governors, and it can be a rewarding way to be involved in your child’s school.

The most important qualities for being a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education. You don’t need teaching experience, but it’s useful to bring skills from other areas of your life.


What does the role involve?

At most schools, you’ll need to attend a governors’ meeting each half term. You’ll also be expected to join one or two sub-committees – these cover different areas like the curriculum, finance or buildings. You’ll need to be able to work well in a team, as you’ll be making joint decisions on policy.

Demands on your time depend partly on how the school is doing generally. Being a governor will be a busy role if the school’s results are getting worse or it’s going through a big change like appointing a new Headteacher or joining with another school.

As a governor, you will need to attend at least  3 full Governing Body main meetings and 3 Business meetings per year.

Chair of Governors welcome

Thank you for taking time to read our schools website and I hope it has given you a greater understanding of how we all work together and contribute to the success of Roseacre and every child who attends.

The main responsibility of a school governing body is to monitor and ensure that our children receive the education, safety, and welfare they all deserve and are entitled to.

When choosing our members, we ensure they have the right skills, knowledge, and commitment. Our members are made up of people with experience in business, public service, and education. There are also members who represent the parent body.

We meet on a regular basis and discuss a variety of topics including health and safety, school buildings maintenance, staff appointments, school policies and pupil and staff wellbeing.

It is important we work closely as a team and that we keep abreast of any changes in education and therefore we are continually looking at what new training we require.

Since becoming a governor, I have come to realise just how committed all staff members are in making EVERY child’s experience in school, safe, exciting, and memorable for all the right reasons which will assist in preparing them for the future.

If you would like more information, please contact me by email at the following address

All information published is in accordance with government legislation and guidance.

Mrs Venessa Beckett – Chair of the Local Governing Body

C/o Roseacre Primary Academy

Stonycroft Avenue

Blackpool FY4 2PF


01253 319000