Additional Needs

Inclusion Manager – Mrs D Elliott  Telephone 01253 319000

Extra Curricular

Roseacre offers excellent extra-curricular activities that are designed to broaden and develop the mind and body and support ‘whole child’ development. During the school day children have regular opportunities to visit museums, exhibitions and theatres, as well as longer residential trips. We use various agencies to support our extra-curricular work and also aim to support children in gaining accreditation from the Children University Scheme. Many extra-curricular activities are on offer either before the start of the school day, during lunch hours or after school. These may include activities related to:

  • Sports
  • Science
  • ICT
  • Poetry
  • Writing
  • Languages
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music

SEND Provision

All our teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs. They plan and deliver appropriately differentiated lessons, according to the identified needs of individual children. (Quality First Teaching)

SEND information report 2022-23

Identified needs

  • Cognition and Learning-English and/or Mathematics
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory
  • Physical
  • Social and Emotional

Each Year group is allocated Teaching Assistants and the support is carefully deployed according to need. Our SEND support map details interventions and resources for individual pupils who require additional support.

Our marking and assessment policy ensures that all children in our academy are monitored and tracked to make sure they are making expected progress.

All our staff have access to Continuous Professional Development and relevant training, enhancing their knowledge, skills and enabling our staff to support individual and groups of children to make the best possible progress.

The information that you need regarding SEND provision at Roseacre is contained in the link below.

SEND Leaflet

Who Can I Speak To?

Mrs D Elliott  – Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)

Contact Via:
Roseacre Primary Academy

Tel: 01253 319000


Adaptive Teaching / Curriculum

At Roseacre, we have high expectations for all our children. We recognise all educational achievements, and provide an inclusive-learning environment that meets their needs.

High Quality Teaching

All our teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs. They plan and deliver appropriately differentiated lessons, according to the identified needs of individual children. They use a variety of resources that not only support, enhance and extend children’s learning but fosters independence.

Teaching Assistants work in partnership with the class teachers to ensure the needs of the children are being met.

Monitoring and Evaluating

Pupil Progress meeting

A child’s progress is continually monitored by his/her class teacher. Their progress in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics is discussed at pupil progress meetings. These are held on a termly basis with the Deputy Head and SENCo as part of the whole school assessment cycle.

For some children who have been identified as having a gap or gaps in their learning intervention programmes will be put into place.

An intervention programme may be-

  • delivered either inside or outside the classroom environment by a teacher or teaching assistant
  • a specialist group run by an outside agency- Speech and Language therapy, Emotional Health

For other children it may be appropriate to seek advice from outside agencies- Educational Psychologist, Advisory teachers. In these cases this will be discussed with the parent/carer and permission sought.

There may also be other occasions during the school year when the class teacher has a concern regarding a child who may have an additional need. The class teacher will discuss their concerns initially with the SENCo. The SENCo will then invite the parent/carer into school to discuss the way forward and listen to any concerns. If the child is to be placed on the SEND support register the parent/carer will be informed in writing.


Children in receipt of a Statement of Special Educational Needs  

*Education, Health Care Plan from September 2014

A Person-Centred review is held which is led by the SENCo. Parents/carers and professionals are invited to the meeting. The child is also invited to attend for part of the meeting to share their achievements.

Views from the child, parents/carers, professionals involved with the child are shared and discussed at the review.

Plan, Do and Review meetings

The child and parents/carers will be invited to a meeting and asked for an evaluation of the SEND provision.

Parents Evenings

All parents/carers have the opportunity to attend Parents’ Evenings and are provided with a report at the end of the academic year. The SENCo is available, in addition to the class teacher to meet with the parent/carer.

The SENCo and class teachers are available at other times throughout the school year to discuss any concerns. A meeting is arranged at a mutually convenient time and if appropriate other professionals invited.

Admission / Transition Arrangements

Pre-school/Nursery settings

Our Academy works closely with pre-school/Nursery settings. Any child/ren starting in Reception with an additional need will have a transition meeting involving the SENCo, Foundation Stage Leader, parents/carers in their last term at Nursery. The Nursery staff, SENCo and Foundation Stage Leader will discuss appropriate strategies to support these children. The Reception Teacher has individual meetings with all parents/carers of the children starting in September.

Non-Routine Admissions (NRA)

For children entering other Year groups at different times other than September (Non Routine Admissions), the child and their parents/carers will be invited to visit Roseacre Academy. The SENCo will then liaise with the child’s previous school to establish if any specialist provision has been/is required to support the child. In order to provide appropriate support when he /she arrives in our Academy information will be shared with relevant staff to ensure as smooth a transition as possible.

Transition to High School

The Transition begins in the Summer term. This involves the following-

1. A visit to the receiving High School by the SENCo and Year 6 Team leader to take part in a transition meeting.

2. Contact between the SENCo and Year 6 Team Leader and the feeder school SENCo to discuss pupils with SEND and the support that they have received and if this needs to be continued.

3. In addition to the Taster Day some children will require additional visits to familiarise themselves with their new High school and to meet key staff.

4. Where children have more specific SEND needs, the process of transition may be more intensive and involve other professionals and agencies.

Plan, Do, Review Cycle

Children with SEND and their parents/carers are involved in the “Plan, Do, Review” cycle.
Each parent/carer will receive a copy of their child’s “Plan, Do, Review”
document and will be invited into school within six months to review the document.

When a child is added to, or removed from the register, parents/carers are
written to and asked for a response.